On Tuesday, February 19, 2013, Albe Laurenz wrote:

> david harel wrote:
> > I use postgresql on a Linux server on a virtual machine (despite my
> protest to IT personal).
> > The client is typically a web server implementing PHP sites.
> >
> > Customers many times close a page typically when a heavy report runs for
> too long.
> > Using the command "top", I got the impression that the query still runs
> even though the page was
> > closed.
> That is true.
> > I want to make sure the query is dropped when the customer closes the
> page.
> > Any method to kill such query would it still hang out there?
> One crude method would be to set statement_timeout to a nonzero
> value - then queries that take longer than that many seconds
> will be canceled.

you don't truly mean to advise that, do you? :)

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