Is there anything like this soln for v8.3.4 ? I know, I know, just upgrade. But its out of my hands.
-----Original Message----- From: Pavel Stehule [] Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 9:24 AM To: Gauthier, Dave Cc: Subject: Re: [GENERAL] How to get stored procedure args list from metadata tables ? Hello 2013/2/13 Gauthier, Dave <>: > Hi: > > > > Looking for a table or view which contains the list of arguments that > are passed to a stored procedure. Doesn't seem to be in > pg_proc.prosrc or other pg_proc columns. > It is in pg_proc - argument's description is stored in combination of fields: pronargs, pronargdefaults, proargtypes, proallargtypes, proargmodes, proargnames, proargdefaults system function pg_get_function_arguments can returns usual description postgres=# select pg_get_function_arguments('check_form_rodne_cislo'::regproc); pg_get_function_arguments ──────────────────────────── character varying, boolean (1 row) regards Pavel Stehule > > > Thanks in Advance for any help. -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list ( To make changes to your subscription: