On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 9:09 AM, François Beausoleil
<franc...@teksol.info> wrote:
> I believe the important user is the one pgbouncer uses to connect to the real 
> PostgreSQL server. That user + dbname is what creates a new pool. The 
> client's name (the one the app connects as) is irrelevant since I hard-code 
> what user I want to use.
> Did I read the configuration manual right? Any advice from people "familiar 
> with the matter"?

Yes, you understand it right. It all the connections between pgbouncer
and postgres will be done with the user you specified in the
configuration file does not mater what user you used to connect to
pgbouncer from your application. And yes it means that you will have
these two pools only.

Sergey Konoplev
Database and Software Architect

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