On Tue, 2013-02-12 at 15:32 -0500, James B. Byrne wrote:
> PG-9.2
> PGAdmin3-1.16.0
> I have run into an old problem wherein the postgres user has ownership
> of the PSQL language extension in a newly created database.  I wish to
> remove this extension from template1 as the database is automatically
> recreated on every test run and I am unable to specify template0 to
> the test software.
> I am attempting to do this from inside PGAdmin3 but I find that I no
> longer see either template0 or template1 in the object tree.  Where
> are they found?

You first need to check the "Show System Objects in the treeview" in the
Options dialog. Then, they'll be available in the Databases node of the


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