
On Wed, 2013-02-13 at 12:03 +0900, Jeffrey Jones wrote:

> As I can tell the PostgreSQL 9.2 yum repository for use with RHEL6 
> (64bit) is broken.
> On a fresh RHEL6.3 (64-bit) installation, as root, run the following 
> commands:
> rpm -i 
> http://yum.postgresql.org/9.2/redhat/rhel-6-x86_64/pgdg-redhat92-9.2-7.noarch.rpm
> yum update
> (As stated in the instructions on 
> http://www.postgresql.org/download/linux/redhat/)
> The yum update command fails with the following message (had to copy by 
> hand; please forgive formatting strangeness):
> pgdg92                    | 2.8 kb 00:00
> pgdg92/primary_db | 103 kb 00:00
> http://yum.postgresql.org/9.2/redhat/rhel-6Server-x86_64/repodata/primary.sqlite.bz2:
> [Errno -1] Metadata file does not match checksum
> Trying other mirror

That should not happen, and I could not reproduce this in build
machines, staging machine and my own machine. Still, I refreshed
metadata cache. Could you please run

yum clean all; yum makecache

and then install the package? Between Saturday and Tuesday, I added
various new packages to the repository several times. You were probably
caught between them.


Principal Systems Engineer @ EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
PostgreSQL Danışmanı/Consultant, Red Hat Certified Engineer
Community: devrim~PostgreSQL.org, devrim.gunduz~linux.org.tr
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