2013/2/11 Roger Niederland <ro...@niederland.com>:
> On 2/11/2013 6:47 AM, Tom Lane wrote:
>> Roger Niederland <ro...@niederland.com> writes:
>>> I am getting the following error when trying to execute a plpgsql
>>> funtion:
>>> PSTERROR:  could not load library "/usr/pgsql-9.2/lib/plpgsql.so":
>>> /usr/pgsql-9.2/lib/plpgsql.so: undefined symbol: SPI_plan_get_cached_plan
>>> This is on a SL6.3 system running postgres 9.2.2
>> SPI_plan_get_cached_plan was added to the backend in 9.2.3.  It looks
>> like you're trying to use a 9.2.3 plpgsql.so with a 9.2.2 (or older)
>> server.
>>> After restarting the postgres service, the error went away.
>> So you had upgraded, but not actually restarted the server ...
>> just for future reference, SLES apparently doesn't do a service
>> restart automatically during package upgrade.
>>                         regards, tom lane
> The system was running Postgres 9.2.2 on Scientific Linux 6.3. Postgres was
> not
> upgraded, Last night I simply restarted the Postgres 9.2.2 service to
> eliminate the undefined symbol issue.
> This morning I upgraded the Postgres to 9.2.3, have not had this issue
> reoccur.

yes, it is expected - files was updated, but only using PL/pgSQL needs restart



> Roger
> --
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