Thanks. That worked great! Now I am trying to aggregate these same fifteen 
minute to hourly. I have tried using date_trunk:

date_trunc('hour', derived_tsoil_fifteen_min_stacked.time2),

but date_truck only seems to aggriage the timestamp. I thought I could use 


in combination with date_trunk, but I still get 15 minute values, not the 
hourly average from the four 15 minute records.

rowid                                                   date_truck              
                time2                           site    canopy  plot    
variable        name                    value   avg
2010-07-07_00:00:00_b4warm_a    2010-07-07 00:00:00     1       2010-07-07 
00:00:00     cfc     closed  a2      tsoil_sc        tsoil_avg1_sc   21.06   
2010-07-07_00:15:00_b4warm_a    2010-07-07 00:00:00     1       2010-07-07 
00:15:00     cfc     closed  a2      tsoil_sc        tsoil_avg1_sc   20.96   
2010-07-07_00:30:00_b4warm_a    2010-07-07 00:00:00     1       2010-07-07 
00:30:00     cfc     closed  a2      tsoil_sc        tsoil_avg1_sc   20.88   
2010-07-07_00:45:00_b4warm_a    2010-07-07 00:00:00     1       2010-07-07 
00:45:00     cfc     closed  a2      tsoil_sc        tsoil_avg1_sc   20.8    
2010-07-07_01:00:00_b4warm_a    2010-07-07 01:00:00     1       2010-07-07 
01:00:00     cfc     closed  a2      tsoil_sc        tsoil_avg1_sc   20.72   
2010-07-07_01:15:00_b4warm_a    2010-07-07 01:00:00     1       2010-07-07 
01:15:00     cfc     closed  a2      tsoil_sc        tsoil_avg1_sc   20.64   
2010-07-07_01:30:00_b4warm_a    2010-07-07 01:00:00     1       2010-07-07 
01:30:00     cfc     closed  a2      tsoil_sc        tsoil_avg1_sc   20.55   
2010-07-07_01:45:00_b4warm_a    2010-07-07 01:00:00     1       2010-07-07 
01:45:00     cfc     closed  a2      tsoil_sc        tsoil_avg1_sc   20.47   

I was tying to get two records out of this set, with the 'avg" column 
representing the mean of the first and last four of each 15 minute records. 

Perhaps date_trunk only works for the timestamp? 

On Feb 4, 2013, at 8:50 AM, Misa Simic <> wrote:

> WHERE derived_tsoil_fifteen_min_stacked.time2::date = '2010-07-07'::date
> On Monday, February 4, 2013, Kirk Wythers wrote:
> I am trying to write a query that grabs one particular day from a timestamp 
> column. The data are ordered in 15 minute chunks like this:
> 2010-07-07 12:45:00
> 2010-07-07 13:00:00
> 2010-07-07 13:15:00
> 2010-07-07 13:30:00
> etc…
> If I wanted all records from july 7th 2010, I would expect 4 x 24 = 96 
> records per day.
> I have tried the '=' operator, like this
> WHERE derived_tsoil_fifteen_min_stacked.time2 = '2010-07-07*'
> but that grabs nothing, and using the '~' operator grabs everything with a 
> 2010 or 07 in it… in other words all days from July of 2010.
> Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
> --
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