On 1/28/13 1:05 PM, François Beausoleil wrote:

I would stay away from MacPorts.

Gotta agree on that one.

The last time I have been working with PostgreSQL on MacOS X, I used
the installer from


There's also a different approach, that I've never tried:


If you don't know about Homebrew, you should definitely look into it: 

I'll second that too.  If you have problems with readline compilation error ( 
chances are good that
you will ), A homebrew replacement for the crappy OS X libraries might go along 
the lines of..

sudo git clone git://github.com/mxcl/homebrew.git /usr/local/homebrew
 cd /usr/local/bin
 ln -s /usr/local/homebrew/bin/brew brew

sudo mkdir /usr/local/homebrew/Cellar
chmod a+w /usr/local/homebrew/Cellar
brew install readline
brew link --overwrite --dry-run readline
sudo  brew link --overwrite readline

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