Hi Guys,
We are having a problem with our infrastructure provider because the
network traffic between master and slave server is reaching more than
30k packages per second(SLA says 20k/second).
Is there any way to throttle the streamming replication? I meant, any
parameter that I set the max number of megabytes sent to standby server
per second?
I didn't have any luck looking at the postgresql streamming replication
documentation. There is the wal_sender_delay, but I suppose that if I
set more than 1 second, it could accumulate a bunch of wal files and
send it at once. So, it wouldn't work.
Thanks in advance,
Rodrigo Pereira da Silva
Rua Coronel Luis Caldeira, nº 67, Bloco 1, Sala 3A
88034-110 • Florianópolis • SC
Tel. (48) 3207-5755
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