On 01/23/2013 04:41 PM, MarkB wrote:
I have written a program where 2 computers are connected to the same
database. The first PC executes an update statement and then sends a
notification. This makes the second PC execute a select statement on the
same table. The second PC then gets an error:

'Field "Fieldname" not found'

Is the above the exact error message?
If not what is it?
Which part of the software chain is reporting the error?

By any chance are you dealing with case sensitivity?
In other words are the fieldnames mixed case or upper case?

I have no trouble executing this same select statement in other places in
the code or from within PgAdmin.

I wonder how this is possible as an update statement does not change
anything to the tablefields. I added a delay (sleep) in the code and then
the problem does not occur, but this is hardly a solution and makes me
question the stability of other code as long as I am not certain why this

I am fairly certain this has to do with locking. I assumed that the database
would block the select statement while the table fields are not available.

Generally speaking Postgres does not block reads.

My hope is that someone can help me as I have searched for a solution for
quite some time, but am no closer to finding it.

Adrian Klaver

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