Hello,Greetings !I tried with all the below options. It approximatly takes 1 
hour 30 minutes for restoring a 9GB database.  This much time can not be 
affordable as the execution of test cases take only 10% of this whole time and 
waiting 1 hour 30 minutes after every test case execution is alot for the team. 
 Kindly let me know if we can reduce the database restoration time . Thanks and 
RegardsRadha Krishna
 Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2013 08:15:47 +0100
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] pg_Restore
From: mag...@hagander.net
To: udayabhanu1...@hotmail.com
CC: franc...@teksol.info; pgsql-general@postgresql.org

On Jan 21, 2013 7:17 AM, "bhanu udaya" <udayabhanu1...@hotmail.com> wrote:



>  Hello,

> Greetings !

> Thank you for the prompt reply. I have changed the settings as listed below:

> > > shared_buffers = 1024MB 

> > > work_mem = 512MB

> > > maintenance_work_mem = 512MB

> > > wal_buffers = 100MB


> > checkpoint_segments = 128 # large value, such as 128 or 256 (16MB per file, 
> > check disk space)

> > checkpoint_timeout = 30min

> > checkpoint_completion_target = 0.9

> > wal_level = minimal # You'll need to do a full base backup if you use this

> But, have same problem. It is almost 1 hour now, the restoration is still 
> going on.  After every test case execution, we would like to refresh the 
> database and expected refresh should be completed in less than 10 minutes. Is 
> this achievable with the kind of configuration I have listed in my earlier 
> email.


> Kindly help , as how to speed up this restoration process.

Try running pg_restore with the -1 option. If that doesn't help, try -m4 or 
something like that (you'll have to remove the first option then, can't use 
both at once) 
But it's going to be pushing it anyway. Your scenario is going to create 
thousands of files (assuming you have multiple tables in each of your schemas 
as is normal), and that's just not something ntfs does very fast. Once the 
files are there, I bet loading the data is reasonably fast since it can't be 
all that big.... 


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