On Jan 18, 2013, at 8:10 AM, Igor Neyman <iney...@perceptron.com> wrote:

> Yes, my mistake, I meant to ask about fifteen_min_stacked_view definition, 
> and Postgres parameters from postgresql.conf configuration file, at least 
> those - modified from default setting and related to "resource consumption" 
> and "query tuning".
> Regards,
> Igor Neyman

Here some extra bits form the postgresql.conf file.  As you can see, I have not 
changed much from the default settings. 


# - Memory -

shared_buffers = 3GB # 7GB                      # min 128kB
                                        # (change requires restart)
temp_buffers = 80MB # 8MB                       # min 800kB
#max_prepared_transactions = 0          # zero disables the feature
                                        # (change requires restart)
# Note:  Increasing max_prepared_transactions costs ~600 bytes of shared memory
# per transaction slot, plus lock space (see max_locks_per_transaction).
# It is not advisable to set max_prepared_transactions nonzero unless you
# actively intend to use prepared transactions.
work_mem = 64MB #8MB                            # min 64kB
maintenance_work_mem = 128MB            # min 1MB
#max_stack_depth = 2MB                  # min 100kB

# - Kernel Resource Usage -

#max_files_per_process = 1000           # min 25
                                        # (change requires restart)
#shared_preload_libraries = ''          # (change requires restart)

# - Cost-Based Vacuum Delay -

#vacuum_cost_delay = 0ms                # 0-100 milliseconds
#vacuum_cost_page_hit = 1               # 0-10000 credits
#vacuum_cost_page_miss = 10             # 0-10000 credits
#vacuum_cost_page_dirty = 20            # 0-10000 credits
#vacuum_cost_limit = 200                # 1-10000 credits

# - Background Writer -

#bgwriter_delay = 200ms                 # 10-10000ms between rounds
#bgwriter_lru_maxpages = 100            # 0-1000 max buffers written/round
#bgwriter_lru_multiplier = 2.0          # 0-10.0 multipler on buffers 

# - Asynchronous Behavior -

#effective_io_concurrency = 1           # 1-1000. 0 disables prefetching


# - Planner Method Configuration -

#enable_bitmapscan = on
#enable_hashagg = on
#enable_hashjoin = on
#enable_indexscan = on
#enable_material = on
#enable_mergejoin = on
#enable_nestloop = on
#enable_seqscan = on
#enable_sort = on
#enable_tidscan = on

# - Planner Cost Constants -

#seq_page_cost = 1.0                    # measured on an arbitrary scale
#random_page_cost = 4.0                 # same scale as above
#cpu_tuple_cost = 0.01                  # same scale as above
#cpu_index_tuple_cost = 0.005           # same scale as above
#cpu_operator_cost = 0.0025             # same scale as above
effective_cache_size = 6GB #13GB

# - Genetic Query Optimizer -

#geqo = on
#geqo_threshold = 12
#geqo_effort = 5                        # range 1-10
#geqo_pool_size = 0                     # selects default based on effort
#geqo_generations = 0                   # selects default based on effort
#geqo_selection_bias = 2.0              # range 1.5-2.0
#geqo_seed = 0.0                        # range 0.0-1.0

# - Other Planner Options -

#default_statistics_target = 100        # range 1-10000
#constraint_exclusion = partition       # on, off, or partition
#cursor_tuple_fraction = 0.1            # range 0.0-1.0
#from_collapse_limit = 8
#join_collapse_limit = 8                # 1 disables collapsing of explicit
                                        # JOIN clauses

Here is a snip from earlier that includes info about both the table that is 
used to build the view and the view. In short, I use the UNNEST function to 
un-pivot all the variables of interest in the "fifteen_min" table into the 
columns "variable" and "value" in the "fifteen_min_stacked_proper" view.

Thanks again.


b4warmed3=# \d fifteen_min
                Table "public.fifteen_min"
     Column        |            Type             | Modifiers
rowid               | character varying(48)       | not null
time2               | timestamp without time zone |
timestamp           | timestamp without time zone |
block_name          | character varying(8)        |
stat_name           | character varying(8)        |
table_name          | character varying(10)       |
program             | character varying(48)       |
a_dc_avg1           | real                        |
a_dc_avg2           | real                        |
a_dc_avg3           | real                        |
a_dc_avg4           | real                        |
a_dif_avg1          | real                        |
a_dif_avg2          | real                        |
a_dif_avg3          | real                        |
a_dif_avg4          | real                        |
a_targettemp_avg1   | real                        |
a_targettemp_avg2   | real                        |
a_targettemp_avg3   | real                        |
a_targettemp_avg4   | real                        |
a_targettemp_avg5   | real                        |
a_targettemp_avg6   | real                        |
a_targettemp_avg7   | real                        |
a_targettemp_avg8   | real                        |
a_tc_avg1           | real                        |
a_tc_avg10          | real                        |
a_tc_avg11          | real                        |
a_tc_avg12          | real                        |
a_tc_avg2           | real                        |
a_tc_avg3           | real                        |
a_tc_avg4           | real                        |
a_tc_avg5           | real                        |
a_tc_avg6           | real                        |
a_tc_avg7           | real                        |
a_tc_avg8           | real                        |
a_tc_avg9           | real                        |
a_tc_std1           | real                        |
a_tc_std10          | real                        |
a_tc_std11          | real                        |
a_tc_std12          | real                        |
a_tc_std2           | real                        |
a_tc_std3           | real                        |
a_tc_std4           | real                        |
a_tc_std5           | real                        |
a_tc_std6           | real                        |
a_tc_std7           | real                        |
a_tc_std8           | real                        |
a_tc_std9           | real                        |
airtc_avg           | real                        |
airtemp_avg         | real                        |
airtemp_max         | real                        |
airtemp_min         | real                        |
all_avgt            | real                        |
am25tref1           | real                        |
amb_a_avg           | real                        |
amb_avg1            | real                        |
amb_avg2            | real                        |
amb_closed_avg      | real                        |
b_dc_avg1           | real                        |
b_dc_avg2           | real                        |
b_dc_avg3           | real                        |
b_dc_avg4           | real                        |
batt_volt           | real                        |
etcref_avg          | real                        |
flag1               | integer                     |
flag10              | integer                     |
flag11              | integer                     |
flag12              | integer                     |
flag2               | integer                     |
flag3               | integer                     |
flag4               | integer                     |
flag5               | integer                     |
flag6               | integer                     |
flag7               | integer                     |
flag8               | integer                     |
flag9               | integer                     |
heat_a_avg1         | real                        |
heat_a_avg2         | real                        |
heat_a_avg3         | real                        |
heat_a_avg4         | real                        |
pid_lmt_avg1        | real                        |
pid_lmt_avg2        | real                        |
pid_lmt_avg3        | real                        |
pid_lmt_avg4        | real                        |
pid_out_avg1        | real                        |
pid_out_avg2        | real                        |
pid_out_avg3        | real                        |
pid_out_avg4        | real                        |
ptemp_avg           | real                        |
rh                  | real                        |
runavga1            | real                        |
runavga2            | real                        |
runavga21           | real                        |
runavga22           | real                        |
runavga23           | real                        |
runavga24           | real                        |
runavga25           | real                        |
runavga26           | real                        |
runavga27           | real                        |
runavga28           | real                        |
runavga3            | real                        |
runavga4            | real                        |
runavga5            | real                        |
runavga6            | real                        |
runavga7            | real                        |
runavga8            | real                        |
runavgs_avg1        | real                        |
runavgs_avg10       | real                        |
runavgs_avg11       | real                        |
runavgs_avg12       | real                        |
runavgs_avg13       | real                        |
runavgs_avg14       | real                        |
runavgs_avg15       | real                        |
runavgs_avg16       | real                        |
runavgs_avg2        | real                        |
runavgs_avg3        | real                        |
runavgs_avg4        | real                        |
runavgs_avg5        | real                        |
runavgs_avg6        | real                        |
runavgs_avg7        | real                        |
runavgs_avg8        | real                        |
runavgs_avg9        | real                        |
s_all_avgt_avg      | real                        |
s_dif1              | real                        |
s_dif2              | real                        |
s_dif3              | real                        |
s_dif4              | real                        |
s_pid_lmt_avg1      | real                        |
s_pid_lmt_avg2      | real                        |
s_pid_lmt_avg3      | real                        |
s_pid_lmt_avg4      | real                        |
s_pid_out_avg1      | real                        |
s_pid_out_avg2      | real                        |
s_pid_out_avg3      | real                        |
s_pid_out_avg4      | real                        |
s_scldout_avg1      | real                        |
s_scldout_avg2      | real                        |
s_scldout_avg3      | real                        |
s_scldout_avg4      | real                        |
s_sdm_out_avg1      | real                        |
s_sdm_out_avg2      | real                        |
s_sdm_out_avg3      | real                        |
s_sdm_out_avg4      | real                        |
s_tc_avg1           | real                        |
s_tc_avg10          | real                        |
s_tc_avg11          | real                        |
s_tc_avg12          | real                        |
s_tc_avg2           | real                        |
s_tc_avg3           | real                        |
s_tc_avg4           | real                        |
s_tc_avg5           | real                        |
s_tc_avg6           | real                        |
s_tc_avg7           | real                        |
s_tc_avg8           | real                        |
s_tc_avg9           | real                        |
s_tc_std1           | real                        |
s_tc_std10          | real                        |
s_tc_std11          | real                        |
s_tc_std12          | real                        |
s_tc_std2           | real                        |
s_tc_std3           | real                        |
s_tc_std4           | real                        |
s_tc_std5           | real                        |
s_tc_std6           | real                        |
s_tc_std7           | real                        |
s_tc_std8           | real                        |
s_tc_std9           | real                        |
sbtemp_avg1         | real                        |
sbtemp_avg2         | real                        |
sbtemp_avg3         | real                        |
sbtemp_avg4         | real                        |
sbtemp_avg5         | real                        |
sbtemp_avg6         | real                        |
sbtemp_avg7         | real                        |
sbtemp_avg8         | real                        |
scldout_avg1        | real                        |
scldout_avg2        | real                        |
scldout_avg3        | real                        |
scldout_avg4        | real                        |
sctemp_avg1         | real                        |
sctemp_avg10        | real                        |
sctemp_avg11        | real                        |
sctemp_avg12        | real                        |
sctemp_avg13        | real                        |
sctemp_avg14        | real                        |
sctemp_avg15        | real                        |
sctemp_avg16        | real                        |
sctemp_avg17        | real                        |
sctemp_avg18        | real                        |
sctemp_avg19        | real                        |
sctemp_avg2         | real                        |
sctemp_avg20        | real                        |
sctemp_avg21        | real                        |
sctemp_avg22        | real                        |
sctemp_avg23        | real                        |
sctemp_avg24        | real                        |
sctemp_avg3         | real                        |
sctemp_avg4         | real                        |
sctemp_avg5         | real                        |
sctemp_avg6         | real                        |
sctemp_avg7         | real                        |
sctemp_avg8         | real                        |
sctemp_avg9         | real                        |
sdm_out_avg1        | real                        |
sdm_out_avg2        | real                        |
sdm_out_avg3        | real                        |
sdm_out_avg4        | real                        |
stemp_avg1          | real                        |
stemp_avg10         | real                        |
stemp_avg11         | real                        |
stemp_avg12         | real                        |
stemp_avg13         | real                        |
stemp_avg14         | real                        |
stemp_avg15         | real                        |
stemp_avg16         | real                        |
stemp_avg2          | real                        |
stemp_avg3          | real                        |
stemp_avg4          | real                        |
stemp_avg5          | real                        |
stemp_avg6          | real                        |
stemp_avg7          | real                        |
stemp_avg8          | real                        |
stemp_avg9          | real                        |
tabove_avg1         | real                        |
tabove_avg2         | real                        |
tabove_avg3         | real                        |
tabove_avg4         | real                        |
tabove_avg5         | real                        |
tabove_avg6         | real                        |
tabove_avg7         | real                        |
tabove_avg8         | real                        |
targettemp_adj_avg1 | real                        |
targettemp_adj_avg2 | real                        |
targettemp_adj_avg3 | real                        |
targettemp_adj_avg4 | real                        |
targettemp_avg1     | real                        |
targettemp_avg2     | real                        |
targettemp_avg3     | real                        |
targettemp_avg4     | real                        |
targettemp_avg5     | real                        |
targettemp_avg6     | real                        |
targettemp_avg7     | real                        |
targettemp_avg8     | real                        |
tmv_avg1            | real                        |
tmv_avg2            | real                        |
tmv_avg3            | real                        |
tmv_avg4            | real                        |
tmv_avg5            | real                        |
tmv_avg6            | real                        |
tmv_avg7            | real                        |
tmv_avg8            | real                        |
tsoil_avg1          | real                        |
tsoil_avg2          | real                        |
tsoil_avg3          | real                        |
tsoil_avg4          | real                        |
tsoil_avg5          | real                        |
tsoil_avg6          | real                        |
tsoil_avg7          | real                        |
tsoil_avg8          | real                        |
tsoilr1             | real                        |
tsoilr2             | real                        |
tsoilr3             | real                        |
tsoilr4             | real                        |
tsoilr5             | real                        |
tsoilr6             | real                        |
tsoilr7             | real                        |
tsoilr8             | real                        |
vp_avg              | real                        |
winddir_d1_wvt      | real                        |
ws_ms_avg           | real                        |
wtcref_avg          | real                        |
  "fifteen_min_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (rowid)
  "fifteen_min_lower_idx" btree (lower(block_name::text))

b4warmed3=# SELECT COUNT(*) FROM fifteen_min;  count
(1 row)

b4warmed3=# \d fifteen_min_stacked_propper
      View "public.fifteen_min_stacked_propper"
   Column     |            Type             | Modifiers
rowid          | character varying(48)       |
time2          | timestamp without time zone |
block_name     | character varying(8)        |
table_name     | character varying(10)       |
batt_volt      | real                        |
flag1          | integer                     |
flag2          | integer                     |
flag3          | integer                     |
airtc_avg      | real                        |
airtemp_avg    | real                        |
airtemp_max    | real                        |
airtemp_min    | real                        |
all_avgt       | real                        |
am25tref1      | real                        |
ptemp_avg      | real                        |
rh             | real                        |
s_all_avgt_avg | real                        |
vp_avg         | real                        |
winddir_d1_wvt | real                        |
ws_ms_avg      | real                        |
variable       | text                        |
value          | real                        |

b4warmed3=# SELECT COUNT(*) FROM fifteen_min_stacked_propper;
(1 row)

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