Em 13/01/2013 16:27, Shaun Thomas escreveu:
Hey guys,

I'm not sure the last time I saw this discussion, but I was somewhat curious: 
what would be your ideal Linux distribution for a nice solid PostgreSQL 
installation? We've kinda bounced back and forth between RHEL, CentOS, and 
Ubuntu LTS, so I was wondering what everyone else thought.

Shaun Thomas
OptionsHouse | 141 W. Jackson Blvd | Suite 500 | Chicago IL, 60604


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I do use CentOS 5 and 6 for servers - they run without any glitches in decent servers. Don't use then on self made servers with strange/alternative SATA Raid controlers, it is the hell on earth. Use good hardware and you will be fine.
Check the HCL of RedHat Enterprise.


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