Hi and thank you!

On 12.01.2013, at 11:52, Eduardo Morras <emorr...@yahoo.es> wrote:

>> With the last "AND b.value=..." the query is extremely slow (did not wait 
>> for it to end, but more than a minute), because the value column is not 
>> indexed (contains items longer than 8K).
> You can construct your own home made index, add a new column in table b, with 
> the first 8-16 bytes/chars of b.value, use this column on your query and 
> refine to a complete b.value. Don't forget tocCreate an index for it too. You 
> can keep this column updated with a trigger.

Yes, I have been considering this in a slightly different way. value contains 
short and long values (mixed). Only the short values are queried directly. The 
long values are queried in a tsearch column or in an external Sphinx Search. So 
probably I should split the short and long values and then index the short 

It is nevertheless slightly annoying that I cannot make the query do the value 
thing last...

> Perhaps you can use a partial index for b.value column, i never used that 
> feature so documentation/others can point you how to do it.

Did not know of them, reading. Thank you!

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