Yes, I consider it a tool issue and not a database issue.  Is there
somewhere else I should be posting this to?


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Thomas Kellerer
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2013 11:31 AM
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Large number of rows in pg_type and slow gui
(pgadmin) refresh

Robert Klaus wrote on 03.01.2013 16:50:
> We have 36,000+ rows returned by " SELECT oid, format_type(oid,
> typtypmod) AS typname FROM pg_type".
> My manager says this is only a small number compared to what is 
> expected by next summer.

Why do you need so many types?
That sounds like something in your design is not right.

> When I run this select statement on the database server it returns in 
> under 1 second but it takes a minute to open some tabs using pgAmin 
> III (1.16.1).
> Is there a workaround for this - most of the rows returned are from 
> one schema.  If we could elimiate it from the listed schemas it would 
> help.  Is this possible in pgAdmin III?

That sounds more like a pgAdmin problem and not a PostgreSQL problem.


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