Am Fri, 28 Dec 2012 00:47:35 -0500
schrieb François Beausoleil <>:

> Le 2012-12-27 à 09:54, Kirk Wythers a écrit :
> > I have been using COPY FROM to do a mass import of records from CSV
> > files into a new database. I have discover however, a small number
> > of records ( a few thousand) in one of the files that contain new
> > data that needs to be added to the database, but on rows that have
> > a primary key and have already been inserted (so I can't use COPY
> > FROM because it violates the primary key). 
> You will want to COPY FROM on a new table that has the same structure:
> CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE original_table_name_temp( LIKE original_table_name 
> COPY original_table_name_temp FROM stdin;

The "INCLUDING ALL" will also generate the same unique keys that let
the COPY fail in the original table so omit that.



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