On Sat, Dec 15, 2012 at 08:06:44PM +0100, Andreas wrote:
> Hi,
> Problem here is in the morning the first digit of the hour is shown as a 
> blank so there are 2 blanks before the time so COPY misstakes this as an 
> empty column and gets confused.
> Can someone point me in the direction of an COPY option I'm not aware 
> of, or alternativly to some console tool that I can put in the batch 
> before the import step and replace the 2 blanks with 1 blank.
> I use an OpenSuse server so some linux tool would do.

A simple sed(1) expression should do the trick:

sed -E 's/ +/ /g' old-file > new-file

GNU sed also allows in-place editing using -i, so you can avoid
writing it to a second file.  Some seds accept a different flag
to enable extended regexps.

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