On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 9:44 AM, Seref Arikan <serefari...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Also I need those tables per session, so creating and dropping with TEMP
>> > tables appear to be faster.
>> Performance of creating tables is going to be storage bound. what are
>> your performance requirements?  Even if the temp table itself is moved
>> to ramdisk you have catalog updating.  Usually from performance
>> standpoint, creation of temp tables is not interesting -- but there
>> are exceptions.   If you need extremely fast creation/drop of tempe
>> tables, you probably need to reorganize into permanent table with
>> session local records using various tricks.
> I am very interested in what you've written in the last sentence above,
> since it is exactly what my requirement is. Could you explain that a bit
> more?

Well, first,
*) is your temporary data session or transaction local (transaction
meaning for duration of function call or till 'commit').
*) if 'transaction' above, what version postgres? if 9.1+ let's
explore use of wcte
*) what are your performance requirements in detail
*) are all sessions using same general structure of temp table(s)?


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