On Nov 18, 2012, at 2:24, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:

> "Greg Sabino Mullane" <g...@turnstep.com> writes:
>>> If it's a postgres bug, what is the fix? Make the identifier max size
>>> longer?
>> I'd also be in favor of this, in addition to upgrading from a NOTICE.
> On the whole I'm not too excited about changing this.

Then I'd agree with the OP and think the notice should go away on usage in DML; 
though it should be kept for DDL.

Can the system be made smart enough to not allow intra-schema collisions in 
addition to same schema ones?  That would seem to be the area of greatest 
concern - particularly around the usage of truncate/delete/drop.

Thought: would there be some way to flag a table like this to always require 
the use of a schema prefix to be accessed (since right now truncated names only 
have to be schema unique) in certain conditions (drop, delete, truncate)?

David J.

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