GNUe Forms is a data entry/query tool that allows a designer to describe a
data aware user interface via an XML based form definition language.  
This file is then parsed at client startup and a proper user interface is
dynamically generated.  Currently the client portion of the system is
available, work on a screen painter still in the works.  To make creating
the forms easier (until the painter is ready) the package also includes a
script that makes generating basic screens based upon tables quite fast.

Some of the clients features include:
  Multi-platform capability: unix, linux, win32
  Multi UI support: GUIs supported as GTK, Motif, Win32 (via wxPython), 
                    Curses based text support (still rough)
  Multi Datasource support: PostgeSQL, MySQL, GEAS, and ODBC
                            (GEAS and ODBC still rough)
  2-tier and N-tier capable: N-tier support via GNUe GEAS
  Client side Master/Detail relationships
  Client Side Triggers

It has been successfully built on the following platforms
  Debian GNU/Linux
  RedHat Linux
  Win32 platforms (limited testing)

It is part of the GNU Enterprise project ( A GNU project
which aims to develop a set of tools to build programs that together will
form a complete system to provide functionality for most business needs.

While the client is only at version 0.0.5 it has at earned our stamp of
"usefull....maybe" :)  You can find the python source code, rpms, and
win32 version as well as some outdated screenshots at

Take Care

James Thompson    138 Cardwell Hall  Manhattan, Ks   66506    785-532-0561 
Kansas State University                          Department of Mathematics

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