On Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 10:49 AM, Lists <li...@benjamindsmith.com> wrote:
> I followed your example, the result is at the bottom. Based on this it would
> seem that there are 3-4 databases that seem to be the culprit. How could I
> get more depth/detail on what specifically is the problem?

If you have installed the contrib modules (oid2name specifically), you
can use that to get the name of the bloated database:

oid2name | fgrep 607471

If the name of the database doesn't give you any insight, then look
for large files in the directory base/607471 that whose names all
start with the same digits and use oid2name to get the names of the
relations for those files.

oid2name -d <name of database>  -o <base name of large files>



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