On 11/01/2012 02:10 PM, Boszormenyi Zoltan wrote:
2012-11-01 16:32 keltezéssel, Kevin Burton írta:
...I get 'createdb command not found'. Are the authors out of date?
What is the current command?
The instructions start with "Once you have Postgres installed...".
Since the command is not available, you don't have Postgres installed.
This is not correct. What it means is that the command you typed is not
in your search path or aliased in some way. The command may very well be
available elsewhere (see my earlier post in the thread for an example of
where Ubuntu places things).
$ which createdb
$ rpm -q --whatprovides /usr/bin/createdb
Useful on rpm-based distros but I believe the OP is running a
Debian-derivative which uses apt.