I have been struggling mightily to get pgagent working on our system, with no 
success, and would appreciate any instructions or advice.  I have spent hours 
searching the net for insight, but so far nothing has helped get me over the 

It would be gratifying if someone could simply reassure me that it can be done 
with currently-available distributions.

The details: PostgreSQL 9.1, PgAdmin III 1.16.0, pgagent 3.3.0, on a 32-bit MS 
Windows XP computer, running MS Visual Studio 2010.

I began by seeing the documenation in pgAdmin to the effect that pgagent must 
be installed separately, and tried to closely follow the instructions on how to 
do so.  But things come to a halt when it said to install the service by 

"C:\Program Files\pgAdmin III\pgAgent" INSTALL pgAgent -u postgres -p secret 
hostaddr= dbname=postgres user=postgres

The problem being that this program doesn't exist under pgAdmin, and must be 
built and installed.  So off to the PostgreSQL site to get it.  It only 
currently exists as source, as far as I can tell, so the next step is to grab 
the source and try to follow the instructions for building it, first installing 
wxWidgets and then using CMake to configure project files for Visual Studio.  
Unfortunately, when the dust settled and I tried to build the solution/project 
in VS, a bunch of errors were reported in header files, etc., related to 
wxWidgets.  I even tried using the newly-available binary library files for 
wxWidgets and building pgagent that way, but still no joy.  I have tried 
everything I can think of.

As I said earlier, I would be grateful if someone could simply tell me they 
have gone through this process and ended up with a working pgAgent.  And then 
any detailed instructions on what you had to do so would be wonderful.

Thank you,


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