On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 2:32 AM, John Beynon <j...@kyan.com> wrote:
> I just managed to solve the problem infact.
> The trailing 'e' character on the name was different for one row. All
> my tools, (pgadmin and the source data in openoffice) showed the same
> 'e' character but psql showed it as different character...
> Thanks for all taking the time to read / answer. It stumped me for a while!

Cool! That's where the sanity check Merlin suggested comes in really
handy. You can manually key in what you think it's showing, and
compare with the two rows:

sikorsky@sikorsky:~$ psql -c "select md5('Roaccutane')"
(1 row)

Anything that shows a different hash is clearly different... somehow.


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