GMAIL wrote:
> i describe the situation:
> i have two pc with postgressql server:
> - a main pc, with ip turned on
> - a "backup" pc, with ip turned off
> i want that the main pc saves the database in local hard drive and on
> nas real-time. when the main pc has a failure, i turn on, manually,
> secondary pc, that reads the database from the nas
> how i can do that?

What do you want to guard against? Hardware outage?
Software bugs?

I don't think that the scenario you describe is possible.

There are other, maybe better ways:

1) Have the database on NAS and use storage mirroring.
   NAS in that case means NFS (hard mount!), *not CIFS*.
   That will help against hardware outage, but not against
   filesystem or database corruption.

2) Use a standby database with streaming replication.
   That will also help with filesystem and database

Laurenz Albe

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