On Fri, Oct 12, 2012 at 1:20 AM, Condor <con...@stz-bg.com> wrote:
> Even without tel filed result and type of scan is the same (Seq Scan).

This is because your table has to few rows and it is easier to seq
scan. Add more rows, eg. 100 000, then ANALYZE the table and run
tests. Use random() and generate_series() to generate the data.

> Now first name is write in cyrillic and mean "GREG" (I replace it with
> CP1251 CHARS HERE, because some ppl did not have cyrillic encoding). When I
> run the same query on the same database but different table that give
> strange result Bitmap Heap Scan. Index field is the same like test table
> from pastebin, no difference.
> And here I must say the history of the table. That table was made on psql
> 7.3 version and migrate on every major upgrade of the server that require
> dump/restore of database if that information is valuable.
> Any one has ideas what is going wrong on that table ? Why the same query on
> two different table with the same data gives me different scan results ?
> Regards,
> C
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Sergey Konoplev

a database and software architect

Jabber: gray...@gmail.com Skype: gray-hemp Phone: +14158679984

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