On 12/10/12 15:15, Vishalakshi Navaneethakrishnan wrote:
Hi Friends,
We have our production environment database server in Postgres 8.3
version. we have planned to upgrade to lastest version 9.1. Dump from
8.3 and restore in Postgres 9.1 takes more than 5 hours. Any other
quick method to upgrade from 8.3 to 9.1. We need to reduce our
downtime below 1 hour. Any Possibilities..?
Thanks in Advance.
Best Regards,
Have you considered migrating to 9.2? It has some performance and other
useful enhancements over 9.1.
I suspect that testing on early versions of 9.2.2 might be a good idea,
with the intent of migrating to 9.2.2 when it is ready for production use.