On Wed, Oct 10, 2012 at 8:27 AM, Seref Arikan
<serefari...@kurumsalteknoloji.com> wrote:
> Hi Merlin,
> Thanks for the response. At the moment, the main function is creating two
> temp tables that drops on commit, and python functions fills these. Not too
> bad, but I'd like to push these temp tables to ram, which is a bit tricky
> due to not having a direct method of doing this with postgresql. (a topic
> that has been discussed in the past in this mail group)
> The global variable idea is interesting though. I have not encountered this
> before, is it the global dictionary SD/GD mentioned here:
> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.0/static/plpython-sharing.html ?
> It may help perform the expensive transformations once and reuse the
> results.

yeah.  maybe though you might find that the overhead of temp tables is
already pretty good -- they are mostly ram based in typical usage as
they aren't synced.  I find actually the greatest overhead in terms of
using them is creation and dropping -- so for very low latency
transactions I use a unlogged permanent table with value returned by
txid_current() as the leading field in the key.


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