that, and with Geoserver..
On 10/9/12 4:58 PM, Greg Williamson wrote:
You might look at the GIS extension, PostGIS:<>
Not sure how much yu need to do, but a company I used to work for ran a WMS
service off of an earlier version of postGIS.
Buena Suerte!
Greg Williamson
From: José Pedro Santos<>
To: Postgres Ajuda<>
Sent: Tuesday, October 9, 2012 8:37 AM
Subject: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL and WMS/WFS Service
Dear all,
How can I set up a service for a layer stored within postgres like WMS or WFS?
I have one WEBGIS Framework that only allow data with that input.
Many thanks.
Best Regards,
José Santos
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