Am 08.10.2012 um 02:08 schrieb Yvon Thoraval <>:

> 2012/10/7 Scott Marlowe <>
> 'd have posted more, but
> 1: I know just enough about MacOS to be dangerous and
> 2: MacOS is known for changing how shared memory works from one minor
> patch to another so..
> 3: Any page on making work will be dependent on the exact MacOS
> version you are running.

Using sysctl to set the shm* values has consistently worked for us in the last 
years ...

> In fact i had already installed PostgreSQL on mac os x Lion, recently i 
> upgraded to mac os x mountain lion.
> And also switching to a brew install of Postgres.
> I don't why but it is more difficult, on Mountain Lion, than on Lion.
> And also far more difficult than on (X)Ubuntu 12.04.
> On Lion and Ubuntu i had only to change postgresql.conf and pg_hba.conf.
> But here with ML (Mountain Lion) the server is running but not accepting 
> connection :
> $ psgrep postgres     
> yt             47140   0,0  0,0  2444240    520   ??  Ss    1:20     0:00.00 
> postgres: wal writer process     
> yt             47139   0,0  0,0  2444240    564   ??  Ss    1:20     0:00.05 
> postgres: writer process     
> yt             47138   0,0  0,0  2444240    588   ??  Ss    1:20     0:00.00 
> postgres: checkpointer process     
> yt             47136   0,0  0,1  2444240   3696 s002  S+    1:20     0:00.02 
> postgres -D /usr/local/var/postgres
> yt             47142   0,0  0,0  2440520    400   ??  Ss    1:20     0:00.00 
> postgres: stats collector process     
> yt             47141   0,0  0,0  2444372   1528   ??  Ss    1:20     0:00.00 
> postgres: autovacuum launcher process     
> (my psgrep is an alias of 'ps aux | grep -v grep | grep')
> $  psql -p 5433
> psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
>       Is the server running locally and accepting
>       connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5433"?
> the socket is here :
> /var/pgsql_socket $ ls -al
> drwxr-xr-x   5 yt    wheel  170  8 oct 01:27 .
> drwxr-xr-x  26 root  wheel  884  7 oct 14:00 ..
> -rw-r--r--   1 yt    wheel  313  8 oct 01:08 .profile
> srwxrwxrwx   1 yt    wheel    0  8 oct 01:27 .s.PGSQL.5433
> -rw-------   1 yt    wheel   64  8 oct 01:27 .s.PGSQL.5433.lock
> no socket at all in /tmp...

Mountain Lion comes with it's own version of PostgreSQL. The included psql 
command probably searches for unix sockets in a different place than your self 
compiled version. Is your path correctly set?


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