Thanks Steve and Andres,

I read these articles

and I have some more questions on the Steve comments.

1.      Do I need run REINDEX to reduce space or auto vacuum will handle re 
2.      Cluster, Re index and Vacuum full locks the table, Hence do we need to  
avoid database operations ( select, delete, insert ) while doing disk clean up? 
Just curious what if I keep inserting while running this command?
3.      All the three commands needs some additional space to do this 
operation? Am I correct?
4.      Would all database server ( oracle, sqlserver and mysql ) needs 
downtime while doing disk clean up?
5.      I am very happy to use Truncate and table partitioning, it is 
satisfying my requirements. But in order to achieve this, for 10 years ( 
currently 6 unique archiving tables I have )  I have to create 1440 month 
tables. Will it creates any issue and is there anything  I need to consider 
carefully while doing this?

Thanks & Regards,
From: Yelai, Ramkumar IN BLR STS
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2012 7:03 PM
To: ''
Subject: Need help in reclaiming disk space by deleting the selected records

Hi All,

I am a beginner in Postgresql and Databases. I have a requirement that 
reclaiming disk space by deleting the rows in a selected time span.  I went 
through the documents and articles to know how to get the table size 

But before let the user delete, I have to show the size of the records size in 
the selected time span.  But here I don't know how to calculate the selected 
records size.
In addition to this, I assume that after deleted the records I have to run 
VACUUM FULL command to reclaiming the space( Please correct me if I am wrong or 
let me know the best approach) .

The table looks like this

  "ID" integer NOT NULL,
  "Data" integer,
  "CLIENT_COUNT_TIMESTAMP" timestamp without time zone

Please help me to how to proceed on this.

Thanks & Regards,

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