
As its AIX I don't have top but using topas and comparing it to other processes 
running a successful pg_dumpall doesn't get very large at all.

The database only has around 1000 tables and no more than anpther 500 view, 
triggers, functions, etc. so its not a big database. There are no BLOBs or 
anything even slightly non-mainstream.

The output file created by a successful pg_dumpall is 11MB for all the 
databases running on this postgres installation. The other databases are much 
larger than the first one which is where the failure occurred.

The machine is a large AIX box with 64GB of memory and the upgrade was run with 
nothing else running on the machine so I find it hard to believe that it is 
genuinely out of memory. The whole of the first database could fit in real 
memory as its only 28GB.


-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Lane [] 
Sent: 20 September 2012 15:48
To: Carrington, Matthew (Produban)
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] pg_upgrade: out of memory

"Carrington, Matthew (Produban)" <> writes:
> I have attempted to upgrade my Postgres installation this morning from 9.0.1 
> to 9.2.0 and it failed with an out of memory problem using pg_dumpall to dump 
> the first database.

Hm.  I'm not aware of any reason for 9.2 pg_dump to take hugely more
memory than 9.0.  How big is the database (how many objects)?  When
you run 9.0 pg_dump against it, how big does the process get?  (Watching
it in "top" is probably a close enough answer here.)

                        regards, tom lane
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