On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 7:25 AM, Hall, Samuel L (Sam)
<sam.h...@alcatel-lucent.com> wrote:
> I have an application that writes an Excel Spreadsheet to postgres. For the 
> values that go in number fields, I check the Excel values for dbnull and set 
> the parameters to 0, like this: cmd.Parameters(9).Value = 0. Npgsql throws an 
> error “format specifier was invalid” If I do this: cmd.Parameters(9).Value = 
> convert.todouble(0) then it works fine.
> Visual Basic 2010, Postgres 9.1, npgsql
> Could somebody please explain this behavior?

It's a long time since I've used BASIC in any form, but I think a hash
suffix will make it a double; alternatively, put a decimal point in

cmd.Parameters(9).Value = 0#
cmd.Parameters(9).Value = 0.0

I usually use 0.0 to represent a floating-point zero in most languages.


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