2012/9/17 Albe Laurenz <laurenz.a...@wien.gv.at>

> Yvon Thoraval wrote:
> >> You may want to set log_statement='all' in postgresql.conf
> > i did this change , restart PostgreSQL and test again, with the same
> error, however postgres log
> > didn't report any error, as far as i understand the log :
> >

> <snip />
> Well, "received fast shutdown request" would explain what is
> going on.  The server shuts down, and all active connections
> are terminated, which on the client end looks exactly like
> you described.

NO, no it's me having asked for a server restart...

> What is odd is that you say it is repeatable.
> What could be sending SIGINT to the postmaster whenever
> you try to connect?  Are database server and web server
> on the same machine?
> Try to find out what is going on there.
> How does the log look when you enable
> log_connections and log_disconnections in postgresql.conf?
> Yours,
> Laurenz Albe

I found something wrong in my setup, i do have - TWO - psql binaries...
The one in my PATH is working well (/usr/bin/psql) and another one (I don't
remember it's path) which doesn't work and i suspect this is this one
linked to php...
For that reason I've opened another post named "On Ubuntu 12.04 i do have
two psql one of those isn't working".
Then, i think this as nothing to do with PostgreSQL but rather with Xubuntu
12.04 LTS...


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