Hi Jeremy,

On Wed, September 12, 2012 6:23 pm, Jeremy Whiting wrote:

>  I tried installing using the Direct Download RPMs for two systems I am
> using. The installation using the rpm files did not install in one case
> and the other did not install all files to the target directory I was
> expecting.
> 1) Upgrading postgresql on a 64 bit Fedora 16 desktop from 9.1.5 to 9.2
> using the rpms provided in the download section. I tried installing with
> yum the rpm files but getting an error message.
> $ ls
> postgresql92-9.2.0-1PGDG.f16.x86_64.rpm
> postgresql92-devel-9.2.0-1PGDG.f16.x86_64.rpm
> postgresql92-server-9.2.0-1PGDG.f16.x86_64.rpm
> postgresql92-contrib-9.2.0-1PGDG.f16.x86_64.rpm
> postgresql92-docs-9.2.0-1PGDG.f16.x86_64.rpm
> postgresql92-test-9.2.0-1PGDG.f16.x86_64.rpm
> postgresql92-debuginfo-9.2.0-1PGDG.f16.x86_64.rpm
> postgresql92-libs-9.2.0-1PGDG.f16.x86_64.rpm
> $ sudo yum install ./postgresql92-*
> Loaded plugins: auto-update-debuginfo, fastestmirror, langpacks, presto,
> refresh-packagekit
> Examining ./postgresql92-9.2.0-1PGDG.f16.x86_64.rpm:
> postgresql92-9.2.0-1PGDG.f16.x86_64
> ./postgresql92-9.2.0-1PGDG.f16.x86_64.rpm: does not update installed
> package.


Community RPMs cannot be used to upgrade Fedora's own RPMs, since the
package names are different and we have a different layout, so this seems
ok to me.

> http://yum.postgresql.org/9.2/fedora/fedora-16-x86_64/repoview/
>  Did I down the correct rpms ?


> 2) The second install was to a 64 bit RHEL6 server. The RPM files
> installed using yum successfully. Downloaded the files from
> http://yum.postgresql.org/9.2/redhat/rhel-6-x86_64/repoview/
>  However the files to provide postgresql tooling and server execution
> were not installed into
> /usr/bin
>  I was trying to execute initdb. I did find it in an the
> 'postgresql92-9.2.0-1PGDG.rhel6.x86_64.rpm' file but the installation
> target directory is
> /usr/pgsql-9.2/bin

Right. I have a blog post regarding this in here:

(though this post needs some fixes, like init script name, etc)

I changed the layout, so that we can install multiple versions in parallel.

For initdb, you can use

service postgresql-9.2 initdb

> $ ls
> postgresql92-9.2.0-1PGDG.rhel6.x86_64.rpm
> postgresql92-docs-9.2.0-1PGDG.rhel6.x86_64.rpm
> postgresql92-contrib-9.2.0-1PGDG.rhel6.x86_64.rpm
> postgresql92-libs-9.2.0-1PGDG.rhel6.x86_64.rpm
> postgresql92-devel-9.2.0-1PGDG.rhel6.x86_64.rpm
> postgresql92-server-9.2.0-1PGDG.rhel6.x86_64.rpm
> $ ls /usr/pgsql-9.2/bin
> clusterdb   droplang  pg_archivecleanup  pg_ctl          pg_restore
> postgres    vacuumlo
> createdb    dropuser  pg_basebackup      pg_dump         pg_standby
> postmaster
> createlang  ecpg      pgbench            pg_dumpall      pg_test_fsync
> psql
> createuser  initdb    pg_config          pg_receivexlog  pg_test_timing
> reindexdb
> dropdb      oid2name  pg_controldata     pg_resetxlog    pg_upgrade
> vacuumdb
> [postgres@benchserver2 tmp]$
>  That means users on the system cannot immediately execute these files.
>  Was there a mistake in the packaging paths of these files in the RPM ?

That is intentional. See here:

The binaries I put under /usr/bin are the ones that can be used for
multiple versions, like psql, etc. Utilities like pg_ctl, initdb,
pg_controldata and pg_resetxlog are not among these, so they are kept
under /usr/pgsql-9.2/bin.


Temporarily using a webmail program.

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