On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 9:59 AM, Devrim GUNDUZ <dev...@gunduz.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Wed, September 12, 2012 6:49 pm, Scott Marlowe wrote:
>> Does RH support > 1 cluster of the  same version of postgres yet?
>> Looking at the link I can't really tell.  Looks like not.
> That link exactly tells you how to do that. Running > 1 9.2 clusters in
> parallel.

Sorry wasn't clear.  I meant does RH support running  > 1 cluster of
the same version with simple commands from the command line.  Like
pg_createcluster does.    Of course you can run > 1 cluster if you're
willing to copy init scripts and jump through hoops, but RH is still
years behind debian on the "running > 1 postgres" front at this point.
 And if you're a beginning DBA / Sysadmin it's one less thing to have
to hassle with, which is why I recommend debian for newer pg dbas who
need to build their own machines.  For me personally it's no big deal
but I'm not always the guy on call either.

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