What won't work is:

select y||'--some text'
explain select *
from (values (1),(2), (3)) foo(x)
where x > 2
) bar(y)



On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 7:18 PM, Willy-Bas Loos <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Is it possible to use the output of explain as text values?
> This won't work:
> explain select *
> from (values (1),(2),(3)) foo(x)
> where x > 2
> What i really want is to explain analyze a dynamic query that i build up
> in a function.
> If it returns a value i can do stuff with it, but i can't find out how to
> grasp the query plan as a value.
> pgAdmin shows it as text values in the data output tab, but that might be
> a hack outside the database realm.
> Cheers,
> --
> "Quality comes from focus and clarity of purpose" -- Mark Shuttleworth

"Quality comes from focus and clarity of purpose" -- Mark Shuttleworth

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