On Sat, Sep 01, 2012 at 12:43:15AM +0200, Geert Mak wrote:
> There is this case studies section as well -
> http://www.postgresql.org/about/casestudies/
> Which appear to me a little old and a little too little, one could try to add 
> more, perhaps.

I noticed that the "Share Your Story" link is broken.
I don't know how long it's been broken, but this might be a reason
there are no new ones.

What kind of "success story" would be accepted for this page?
We're also running Postgres for most our projects at work, some of them
being rather large databases.  Of course "large" is subjective... some
people might call it kids' stuff.  Also, how "well known" does a company
need to be in order for it to be on the list?

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