Greetings all, Having an issue with the pl/pgsql function below. I may or may not make an update to a table in the first IF statement. However, whenever an update is made, if the loop is continued then the update is not committed. Is it that whenever a loop is not completed rows aren't written? Didn't see anything in the docs that would suggest that so I think that I am missing something very obvious.
Thanks, Rhys CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION netone.flow_(origin integer) RETURNS void AS $BODY$ DECLARE lr record; nextid integer; nextgeom geometry; l2 record; BEGIN create temporary table if not exists pointhold(id integer) on commit drop; create temporary table if not exists linehold(id integer) on commit drop; RAISE NOTICE 'STARTING AT %', origin; for lr in SELECT gnid, id,a.geom as ag, b.geom as bg from netone.points a, netone.lines b where gnid = origin AND st_intersects(a.geom,b.geom) /*AND id NOT IN (select id from linehold)*/ LOOP RAISE NOTICE 'LINE # %',; IF st_intersects(st_startpoint(, THEN /**** statement where table may or may no be updated****/ raise notice 'reversed'; update netone.lines set geom = st_reverse(geom) where id =; END IF; insert into pointhold (id) values (origin); insert into linehold (id) values (; select into l2 gnid, status from netone.points where st_intersects(, geom) AND gnid not in (select id from pointhold); CONTINUE WHEN l2.status = 'OPENED' /*** once this is true the previous update is not committed ***/ PERFORM netone.flow_(l2.gnid); END LOOP; END; $BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list ( To make changes to your subscription: