Le dimanche 29 juillet 2012 à 12:47 +0200, Alban Hertroys a écrit :
> On 29 Jul 2012, at 11:56, Vincent Veyron wrote:

> If upper management is any good, they'll be happy to have a chat about the 
> situation and keep an eye out and a direct line to your people open, so that 
> they can hear both sides. He's probably not on their radar right now.

Well, in that case upper management is made of elected officials (this
is an administration for a medium-sized city in France).

The way it works is :

-upper management somehow decides to budget a _large_(*) amount of money
for an application for the legal department. Budgeting always takes
places in december of year N-1, nothing can be put in after that.

-every year, a bidding procedure for some city takes place in may/june
of year N, and is won after a few meetings (always by the same company),
coincidentally a little less than the amount allotted six months before

No bidding is needed for my application, which is priced at a tenth of
the average budget, and below the legal limit that triggers the
procedure. Strangely though, it appears strictly impossible to get a
couple thousand euros to test it in the service for a year.

So the alpha male is probably obeying his masters (the manager who took
my product and was sidelined is a union representative). It looks like I
am going to need luck, indeed ;-)

(* : average is 50 000 euros, with ~20 000 euros maintenance per year
for the foreseeable future + licences ; and for a crappy application I'm
told; larger cities will commend muuuch larger bills )

Vincent Veyron
Logiciel de gestion des sinistres assurances et des dossiers contentieux pour 
le service juridique

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