On Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 12:06 PM, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> Ryan Kelly <rpkell...@gmail.com> writes:
>> I recently switched from OSX to Linux and \copy in psql no longer
>> accepts multi-line queries. For instance:
>> \copy (
>>     select
>>         *
>>     from
>>         pg_settings
>> ) to '/tmp/settings.csv' with csv header
>> This works fine on OSX. On Linux I get:
>> \copy: parse error at end of line
> FWIW, I get that error on either OS X or Linux, and I'm a bit astonished
> by your report that there are any versions of psql that allow it.
> psql doesn't do multi-line backslash commands, in any context.  Are you
> sure you weren't doing a plain SQL "copy" command, without a backslash?

it can be coerced:

postgres=# \copy (
  select 0
  ) to stdout

now -- to do that, I had to use the \e command to do it in vi, then
recall the command with readline :-).  \copy can work arbitrarily work
or fail in all kinds of ways.


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