I am running REDHAT 5.5 64 bit with PostgreSQL 8.4.7 64 bit.  I am trying 
to load a binary file into a bytea column into a table without any luck 
from psql.
On the linux server a script is looking for a file and if found would 
create a record into a table that contains a ID, date of load and the  
file in the bytea column.
table looks like the following
table x 
(ID number,
 load_date date,
 image  bytea
from psql
I have tried several ways including creating a function to read a file 
without any success but basically I want to do something like the 
following from a bash shell

psql <connection information> -c "insert into x (ID, load_date, image) 
values ($PID,clock_timestamp()::timestamp(0), copy from '/tmp/$FN' with 

Any help would be greatly appreciated 

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