Scott Marlowe <> writes:
> On Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 1:13 PM, Tom Lane <> wrote:
>> This claim is utter nonsense.  If you are having a problem it's not due
>> to the way regclass literals print.  Please show a complete example of
>> something failing.

> Is it possible the OP has an "alter user set search_path=..." in their
> original db that's not getting backed up here because they're not
> backing up globals?  Seems a more reasonable explanation to me.

That might explain why the literals look different than they used to.
But I still say that if he's getting errors on INSERT, they're coming
from some other cause.  A regclass literal is just an OID under the hood
--- it cannot result in a lookup error, because the lookup's already
been done.

                        regards, tom lane

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