On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 1:40 AM, Michael Nolan <htf...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I did several weeks of tests on 9.1.3 using mod time and file size
> rather than checksumming the files, that did not appear to cause any problems
> and it sped up the rsync considerably.  (This was about a 40 GB database.)

Thanks! Is file size a necessary part of the check, or can mod time
alone cover it?

I'm looking at having my monitoring application automatically bring
database nodes up, so it looks like the simplest way to handle it will
be to have the new slave mandatorially do the backup/rsync, even if
it's been down for only a couple of minutes. With a mod time check, I
could hopefully do this without too much hassle.


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