Inside a function, I can execute dynamic query like this

      dept_id = 1;
      salary = 50000;
      RETURN QUERY EXECUTE 'SELECT * FROM employee WHERE dept_id = $1 and
salary >= $2' using dept_id, salary;

When the query condition is dynamically generated and number of parameters
is also dynamic,

      tmpArray   text[];
      query text;
      -- inputParameter will have the whole parameter list separated by
      tmpArray = string_to_array(inputParam, ',');

      -- Let's assume the query condition is dynamically constructed from
somewhere else.
      query = 'select * FROM employee WHERE ' || dynamicQueryFunction(...);
      RETURN QUERY EXECUTE query using tmpArray;

I know above one will fail to execute.
Of course, if I construct dynamic query using one of (quote_nullable,
quote_literal, format), I can execute it.

Is there any other way to achieve dynamic query execution using array

Thanks in advance,
Choon Park

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