Table is defined as CREATE TABLE firma1.klient ( kood character(12) NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('firma1.klient_kood_seq'::regclass), .... );
How to insert record to this table only if primary key does not exist ? I tried code below but got strange error as shown in log file. Why this error occurs ? Andrus. 2012-06-30 15:51:04 EEST ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "klient_pkey" 2012-06-30 15:51:04 EEST DETAIL: Key (kood)=(20037 ) already exists. 2012-06-30 15:51:04 EEST STATEMENT: insert into klient ( kood, nimi, tanav, piirkond, postiindek ) select ((E'20037')), ((E'Statoil Fuel & Retail')), ((E'')), ((E'10148 nnn')),((E'')) from klient where not exists (select 1 from klient where kood =((E'20037')))