Em 29/06/2012 14:10, Raymond O'Donnell escreveu:
On 29/06/2012 08:54, Patrick Schneider wrote:

is there any possibility to convert special columns during an CSV import
via COPY?
For example:


9999 should be converted to a character field
011001 to the date 10th January 2001

For the moment the only idea we have is, to import the CSV into a TEMP
table and
perform the conversion by a select from the temp to the target table.
I don't think there is; AFAIK the only option is the one you've outlined.


On PostgreSQL 9.1, you can use File FDW to create a foreign table (that is your CSV file).

Then you can use any kind of conversion allowed in the SELECT statement

There is an interesting article here: http://www.postgresonline.com/journal/archives/250-File-FDW-Family-Part-1-file_fdw.html

Very easy to use.



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