merlin in set returning function i have three out parameter returning same type of object so what
to do in that case if i am using only return next than i get all output in one set of record so in the application end i can not distinguish what output is of what parameter . i want in output like op_dimlist ,op_freqlist ,op_svrlist and i also want to access like select op_dimlist.DD_DIMID from morse_new_sit.proc_get_freq_svrty(10,10,2,1) and something like that. CREATE TYPE "user_fs_obj" AS ( DD_DIMID bigint, DD_DIMNAME varchar(20), dd_dimcolorcd varchar(10) ); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "morse_new_sit"."proc_get_freq_svrty"(IN ip_dim_type bigint, IN ip_type bigint, IN ip_frqsubype bigint, IN ip_svrsubtype bigint, op_dimlist OUT morse_new_sit.user_fs_obj,op_freqlist OUT morse_new_sit.user_fs_obj,op_svrlist OUT morse_new_sit.user_fs_obj) RETURNS SETOF morse_new_sit.user_fs_obj AS $BODY$ DECLARE op_dimlist morse_new_sit.user_fs_obj%rowtype; op_freqlist morse_new_sit.user_fs_obj%rowtype; op_svrlist morse_new_sit.user_fs_obj%rowtype; BEGIN RAISE NOTICE 'GET DIM DETAILS'; -- Get the DIM details FOR op_dimlist IN SELECT DD_DIMID,dd_dimname,dd_dimcolorcd FROM morse_new_sit.DIM_DEF WHERE DD_DIMTYPE = IP_DIM_TYPE AND DD_STATUS = 0 AND date_trunc('day', LOCALTIMESTAMP) BETWEEN DD_VALIDFROM AND DD_VALIDTO LOOP proc_get_freq_svrty.op_dimlist = op_dimlist; return next; RAISE NOTICE 'OP_DIM_LIST %',op_dimlist; END LOOP; --Return op_dimlist_array; -- GET the FREQ details FOR op_freqlist IN SELECT DD_DIMID,dd_dimname, dd_dimcolorcd FROM morse_new_sit.DIM_DEF WHERE DD_DIMTYPE = ip_type AND DD_DIMSUBTYPE = ip_frqsubype AND DD_STATUS = 0 AND date_trunc('day', LOCALTIMESTAMP) BETWEEN DD_VALIDFROM AND DD_VALIDTO LOOP RAISE NOTICE 'op_freqlist LIST %',op_freqlist; proc_get_freq_svrty.op_freqlist = op_freqlist; return next; END LOOP; --Get the Severity FOR op_svrlist IN SELECT DD_DIMID,dd_dimname, dd_dimcolorcd FROM morse_new_sit.DIM_DEF WHERE DD_DIMTYPE = ip_type AND DD_DIMSUBTYPE = ip_svrsubType AND DD_STATUS = 0 AND date_trunc('day', LOCALTIMESTAMP) BETWEEN DD_VALIDFROM AND DD_VALIDTO LOOP RAISE NOTICE 'op_svrlist LIST %',op_svrlist; proc_get_freq_svrty.op_svrlist = op_svrlist; return next; END LOOP; END; $BODY$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE COST 100; Thanks for ur help merlin -- View this message in context: Sent from the PostgreSQL - general mailing list archive at -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list ( To make changes to your subscription: