On Mon, Jun 18, 2012 at 11:34 PM, Stefan Schwarzer
<stefan.schwar...@unep.org> wrote:
>>> I read through the Postgres doc and many Google results, but it seems
>>> still unclear to me how to include additional packages into my postgres
>>> database. I see that there are a few installed under
>>> "/usr/local/pgsql-9.1/share/extension/" (I am on Lion and installed the
>>> Kyngchaos libs). But as I want to install crosstab now, I downloaded the
>>> source code for postgres, run a make/install - and now wonder what to do
>>> with it. I could eventually load the .sql file as usual; but it seems this
>>> should be now avoided, and loaded as an extension. I tried to copy three
>>> files (--1.0.sql, --unpackaged.sql and the normal .sql) to the folder and
>>> then load it from PgAdmin, but this results in an error message ("could
>>> not access file "$libdir/tablefunc"").
>> This should do the trick:
> Thanks a lot. Yes, that's the command I used when it launches the above error 
> message. The question is more about: "where do I need to place the tablefunc 
> files (and which ones) in order to execute successfully that command"?

make install should copy files including $libdir/tablefunc.  If not,
you should take a look at the output of the make command.  Make sure
your PATH points to pg_config that your database is running with.

Hitoshi Harada

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