On 06/07/2012 06:57 AM, Dinsdale wrote:
Hi there. I am new to Postgresql but very familiar with RDBMS. We are
running 8.4 on windows serer 2008 r2. I was updating a record through
pgAdmin and was being an a$$ and pressed the run button multiple times
and then the record just disappeared. Update query:

update jaas_login set password=md5(login_name || ':' || realm_name ||
':Password123'), has_logged_in = false, modified=now(),
failed_attempts=0 where login_name like 'CompanyAdmin@%';

I cannot find the record at all so tried to re-insert it and the query
just runs and runs and runs.

8.4.what? Perhaps you encountered this:

Does reindexing that table help?


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